The failure of the institutional church

After this weekend I am convinced the institutional church has failed the citizens of this country.  Justice and mercy are ignored.   The fat hogs pushed aside the hungry and worship at the alter of insanity.  If someone can share with me why so many citizens are so full of so much hate, anger and cruelty.   I feel blessed to know so many people who are saying this is not normal, this is not acceptable.  


Someone reminded me I have a blog.  I haven’t used it on a regular basis.  Let’s see if I can begin again.  I have been watching the news and realized it is a soap opera for me.  I try to keep track of all the characters and what each is doing.  For the first time I feel like I have been picked up and placed in another country.  We are just learning how to make our country work.  It has been on automatic pilot for all too long and veered off course.  We have forgotten that the president is not the most powerful man on earth.  He is a human being who has been elected to an office.  The office has responsibility for representing the interests of the citizens of the United States. (and contrary to what we have been told we are not the most important people in the world).  He is one leader among many.  In the past there have been skilled people who have assisted the man (sic) in the position to represent us when working with others to arrive at peace and justice for all people.  People including the person in the position have respected for the most part agreements and shared some visions for how to arrive at justice and peace for all.  It is time for us to begin to live the reality of  3 branches of government who are to be checks and balances for the protection of the citizens.

So much for my ramble today.


Recent legislation popping up restricting access to pregnancy prevention and termination services has been on my mind.   No forced pregnancy.  So I have decide to advocate Freedom from Pregnancy for both men and women.  Self worth has been so focused on reproduction, we have created idolatry.  The foundational story of the Abrahamic religions is based on faith not reproduction.  We have some how focused on reproduction.  To be barren for a woman, brings ridicule, and men are allowed to have as many sexual partners as it takes to reproduce.  Reproduction is not what makes us human.  What makes us human is being created in the image of the HUMAN ONE–  Godde.  Relationships, nurturing and supportive relationships, make us human. To have nurturing relationships with all of creation is the goal of life.  Technology has made life tasks easier and more efficient, but relationships take heart and soul.  Our lifetimes are meant to develop our abilities to have wholeness producing relationships.

So today, work on your relationship building gifts.

Mary The Christ

As Christmas approaches once again, the birth of the Christ Child is on my mind. It has been all year as a matter of fact. Mary has walked with me off and on for the past 6 years. Birthgiver. The sounds of the Magnificat ring in my ears and I wonder, What has kept us from calling Mary The Christ, the anointed one, the Messiah? Why has she not been recognized as the Savior? Fully Human, Fully Divine. Willing to give birth to the revealer of the True Godde, Jesus. Not diminishing Jesus the Christ, the one who revealed the truth of nonviolence, the power that brings life and compassion. Existing prior to creation and giving life to creation. My ponderings as the celebrations continue. Peace and Good will to all. Darlene

Life in the serfdom

This is the image I get of the elitists who now want to run the country.  Standing around at their cocktail parties talking about how to deal with the rowdy peasants and keep them calm.  So they put one of their own in the white house and then they take positions and share their wisdom with us peons.  As I watch the hearings, I pray wisdom prevails.  I also know that there are young people in dorm rooms all across the country who are more in touch with reality and have better ideas than those we are threatened with being ruled by in the coming 4 years.cocktail-party-reception

Read the rest of this entry


The Department of Labor website states the mission of the department  “To foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.”  The president elect seems not to realize that he has the responsibility to defend the people of the citizens against those who would oppress them, those outside or inside the country.  We must resist.  The One whose birth we celebrate at this time of year, spoke truth to power, we must do the same.  We may find ourselves crucified, ostracized, and laughed at but we must speak and act to work for liberty and justice for all.


I love the word serendipity, even though I am hesitant in spelling it.  It is a word that feels light and happy just as the definition says “the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way”.  This morning I was going through the routine household chores, feeing cats and greeting them, feeding the dog and taking him outside.  While we were out, a strange squeaky, chirpy kind of noise could be heard.  I had never heard a car sound like that or any mechanical device.  Then the dog turned toward the sound and I followed.  A beautiful pheasant was in my backyard walking around.  What a surprise.  Growing up I used to see them all the time in Nebraska.  But here greeting me was a pheasant in glorious colors.  A wonderful surprise.  I was reminded that Godde surprises us in many ways all the time.  Advent prepares us for the greatest surprise of all.  The Divine one coming to us to show us what it means to be truly human, vulnerable, loving, compassionate, welcoming and speaking truth to oppressive power.  I rejoice in the birth of the Prince of Peace.   Blessings to all.  Darlene











Retirement — companioninhope

On January 1, 2017 I will enter the stage of life known as retirement. I have learned over the years that does not mean the stage of not caring or not doing anything. In fact, it means getting involved in life in a new way. Considering the current state of affairs, there will be plenty […]

via Retirement — companioninhope


On January 1, 2017 I will enter the stage of life known as retirement.  I have learned over the years that does not mean the stage of not caring or not doing anything.  In fact, it means getting involved in life in a new way.  Considering the current state of affairs, there will be plenty to keep me busy and many new and wonderful friends to meet.  So onward and upward.  Blessings, Darlene



Leaves:  Dancing with the wind

Soul:  Dancing with the Spirit


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